Thursday, December 11, 2008

So who the hell am I?

After much weeping and gnashing of teeth(Sarcasm) I have decided to write the required "about me" post that nearly all blogs posses to better tell all who read this blog about myself.

I am a twenty-four year old college student currently attending a local community college in New York City, were I hope Gods willing to attend Hunter College next fall where I plan to major in history and minor in either religion or business.

My goal is to obtain my PhD and go on to teach future generations as a professor of History in a respectable College hopefully either in or near NYC.

I have been a history buff since I was very young although it is only recently that I decided to peruse a career in education, let's just say that the God's whisper before they hit you upside the head with a two by four.

Originally I was baptized as a protestant but later was re-baptized Catholic at my Grandmothers insistence and attend seven years of Sunday school which led to both my first Communion and later my confirmation.

At age thirteen I fell away from the church do to it's conservative theology and for several years after paid little attention to the spiritual realms, as I was preoccupied with defining myself.

At seventeen I discovered Wicca through some books I discovered in my school library and two years later was fortunate to find a group of knowledgeable and friendly Witches.

I follow the Shadowfolk tradition which is a fairly eclectic mix of Alexandrian, Cabot and some Celtic reconstruction.

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