Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pagan's In Ivory Towers

My Pagan friends come from many different lines of work, one is a store owner while another is a Secretary at a law firm. A few work freelance designing websites or writing code, another is a editor for trade mag and the rest work in numerous other fields.

But none as far as I aware work in the Ivory towers academia unless you count my friend Denise who is an elementary school teacher, but I am referring of course to the realms of "higher" education.

As I trudge through the process of transferring to a four year school with the eventual goal of getting my PH'D in history which will allow me to become a professor, I can't help but wonder where all the Pagan scholar's are hiding?

Are the halls of academia filled with staunch secularists as some on the right have you believe? Or are the Pagan's in academia just keeping a low profile?

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